Friday, December 5, 2008

Hanging with her pals

This evening Eve was winding down from a busy day by hanging with her good pals Frosty and Santa. She has been playing with Frosty for weeks. He lights up and sings Frosty the Snowman while dancing. She loves dancing around with Frosty. She is a little less accepting of Santa. As long as he is lighting up and singing she doesn't want anything to do with him. I think it's pretty hilarious.

Eve did have a busy day to wind down from. Today we made the big trip into Anchorage. She loved it!! Ian had to turn in an assignment and we thought we would make a family day out of it. We went to Burlington and bought a baby gate, got my Christmas present from Ian picked out, went to Michaels, went to lunch, and finally got to wander around Costco. It was lots of fun!! Eve loves all the people so she didn't want to head home. I am glad that she had a good time; I did too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eve's looking more and more grown-up each day. I love that she enjoys being around people. In that respect she is taking after her mom.