Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our Pilgrimage

School's out!!!

We are so happy. 19 credits is no fun... too much work for Ian and we don't get to see him ever. So finally we get to have him back.

Along with school getting out comes the inevitable pilgrimage back to Ketchikan. In our usual style we don't start packing until the day before we have to be out of here. I spent the day packing the Tracker full leaving only the front seats open. (Al, Kim and Anica are driving it down with one of their vehicles). Ian spent the day trying to get the Jeep ready to pack up... doesn't hold as much when you have to use the backseat for a car seat so it will be easier. Unfortunately something broke on the Jeep... no store in Alaska had the part to fix it. Luckily Chae came to the rescue... he has a friend with a Jeep willing to let us use the part!! That saved me from my near heart attack at the last minute disaster.

Now Al, Kim and Anica are on their way to Haines... and we will be following them in a day. Obviously the packing has to have gone well otherwise I wouldn't have time to blog.

I am ready for a full night's sleep so we can drive through the night. A confined awake toddler is not a happy toddler... and definitely does not make happy parents.

We are so ready to be back in Southeast Alaska. This time every year it happens. We start dreaming of all the things that we could do there... of course some we could do here but it just isn't the same. Ketchikan is just home. Even getting to Haines makes us happy. There is a place there with the best fish and chips ever!! So I am holding on dreaming of the delicious halibut waiting at our "finish line" where we will get on the ferry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wa hoo! You're on your way to Ketchikan. I can hardly wait til you get here.