Friday, May 22, 2009

Found... and lost again

So we did find our camera. We got some really cute pictures of Eve on it... and then Ian took it with him to work and I haven't seen it since. So that is why I have no new pictures to post... I know excuses, excuses.

Right now I am sitting on the living room floor looking at a sea of boxes taking a break from the nonstop unpacking. We had finally unpacked the boxes we had gathered from my mom's and Grandma and Grandpa Sybesma's when all of our stuff arrived from up north.

The good news is we now have a table. Eve is going to miss picnicking for every meal... I have a feeling she is going to scream the entire time she is buckled into her seat the first time it happens.

Luckily Ian actually has the weekend off. So maybe he will actually help with the packing so he doesn't have to call me to locate all of his items in the house. Or maybe he will just sit back and relax (do homework) and still have to call me to find things in the house. I am hoping for the first and expecting the second.

So maybe soon I will get Ian to deliver the camera to me so I can upload pictures to add to a post. Until then know that I totally meant to have pictures.

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