Saturday, May 23, 2009

Joys of Camping Out

We have been in our apartment for over a week now! YAY!! We just got all of our stuff from Al and Kim yesterday. That means that we have really been camping out in our apartment.

Eve has been loving it. Without a table it is a picnic every meal. She has figured out that all of our totes make great step stools to get to counter height. She has just been a tornado.

She is going through a big do it myself stage which is hilarious to watch. The other night she took off her skirt and put it back on herself and then she attempted to put a sock on. She loved helping me make brownies. You can see how much she loved it when she got it all over her face... time for clean pajamas.

Yesterday Grandma Mil helped her make a fort out of one of our boxes. She loved it. She wouldn't let my mom leave her there she had to sit down and play in the fort. I had to eat breakfast with her in the fort this morning.

So we will be happy to move out of our camping phase but Eve will not be as happy because she has really been loving it.

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