Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Poor Baby

Eve has really been enjoying being able to go outside. We are thrilled to have temperatures above freezing. Unfortunately walking around outside means tripping sometimes. She tripped on the driveway the other day when walking and got her nose pretty bad. Then today she ran down the hill with me chasing after her and she fell and re-injured her poor little nose. If you think that is bad enough the other day we were going through Fred Meyer and she was standing in the cart... not the seat but inside the cart and somehow she flipped out of the cart and ended up with her face on the floor. Hopefully this is the end of the injuries. Luckily she is pretty happy even looking so pathetic. The plus side for her is that I have a hard time saying no to her when she looks so pathetic so she is getting spoiled right now.


Listless Lullabies said...

I would have a hard time saying no too with her face looking like that. She also kind of has a pout going on... Poor Evie Stevie.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Eve's had a rough few days. It's time to stock up on bandaids and prepare for lots of hug and kiss remedies.

Anonymous said...

thought Id check in ...and oooo what a face! poor poor baby! I love your blog! It makes me feel like Im right there with u!! Mary