Monday, January 12, 2009

Bye Bye Daddy

Today school started back up for Ian. I think Eve is pretty sad that Daddy isn't home to play all of the time. This also means that Aunt Anica is back to school too... so that leaves Mommy to fill in for her missing playmates.

Of course Ian comes home every night... but who knows how much he can really play this semester. He is taking 19 credits so that we don't have to come back up here for him to finish his degree. I will be happy to be done with being up in the cold so I will be happy for a few months of intensive Mommy and Eve time (I just will have to remind myself of this every time I feel overwhelmed).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Eve! Her playmates have to go be responsible people. Time will go fast. And I bet you are just tickled pink that you won't be spending another winter in the frozen land up north!