Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Daredevil

Sometimes Eve reminds me so much of Ian that it makes me laugh. The other morning she was standing on top of the seat of her bike doing a cool trick. She thought it was hilarious that she could do this cool trick. It reminds me of Ian wanting to whip around parking lots while I am hanging on for dear life... he is so much more of a daredevil that I am. I dread the day when she gets even more adventurous. I have the feeling there are many injuries in her future.


Anonymous said...

Daredevil antics are not limited to Ian and Eve. You may not remember Ashley, but when you were about a year and a half old, I walked into the kitchen one morning to find you on top of the refrigerator. How you got there....who knows!

Anonymous said...

Addendum to how a toddler may climb to the top of the refrigerator. I think the ladder made of cereal boxes and canisters may have had something to do with it.