Saturday, November 10, 2012

Super Evan!!

Yesterday Eve decided that Evan would make a pretty cool superhero "like Superman, you know mom?" With a backwards bib as his cape. Pretty cute.
I think (knock on wood) we are finally getting to a normal place with this tiny little trouble maker. His cultures came back that his port wasn't infected... it was just the outside skin that got infected. I am so relieved. Then he started to get hives as a reaction to his antibiotic... what can I say this boy really likes to make sure we worry about him. Doesn't want to be forgotten being our third kid. Today we just got the word to stop the antibiotic!! So hopefully his hives will go away super quick and he won't be quite so fussy. Now the only thing we need to do at the doctor's office is get the flu shot for him. I nominate Ian for that chore.

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