Sunday, September 30, 2012

Darn joints...

Why do we need them? They are pesky little suckers! We thought Ezra was early for a joint bleed at a year old... I think there must have been a friendly competition between brothers for the earliest... well Evan wins. Yesterday we were eating dinner at mom's house after a busy day and I was holding Evan in my lap and when I moved him a little he started to scream so bad!! I thought weird... and that was the end of that. Then Ian had him and it was obvious something was wrong he was screaming in pain. So we did the joint check and when we attempted to straighten his right knee he screamed and screamed and screamed. It kinda explained this crazy bear walk he had been doing all afternoon. I had commented on how silly of a crawl it was not even thinking he was having a joint bleed.
Luckily we were at mom's so instead of just one of us going in or having to take time out to figure out what to do with our other kidlets mom just took care of them.
Let me tell you I don't know what the difference was this time with the emergency room but it was so much better. I think part of it is that it seems so much more serious when your kid won't stop screaming in pain. He would stop and then if he even moved that knee a little bit he would start right back up. The staff acted so much more informed about hemophilia this time and man were they serious about holding down our little guy while they poked him. It took 3 pokes... not too shabby. The nurse said she felt so sorry about that but we were geared up to be there all night so 3 pokes felt like such a relief.
So where now? I don't know. We will see what the plan is from here. We know that once the joint bleeds start we go straight to prophy. I anticipate a call from my favorite hemophilia nurse tomorrow talking about the possibility of a port; but we will see what everyone decides is best for Evan.

1 comment:

Youngberg Family said...

Oh man! Those boys are going to keep you guys on your toes! Let me know if you need me to help with watching kids or anything