Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think this is a nice blood booger that any boy would be proud of... just another war wound. This actually just happened when he was pushing around something and bonked his nose on it. Am I bad mom for grabbing the camera when the blood booger came out (many hours after the bloody nose) instead of just cleaning his face off?

How come no one told me just how much trouble boys could be? Okay I know it just isn't boys but man I was so lucky that Eve was not a super wild child. It seems every time I turn around Ezra is up to some other type of monkey business or just when I think I have the house "childproofed" he goes and does something new to prove to me just how impossible it is to childproof. His latest thing is climbing.... climbing everything. Why couldn't my child that doesn't have hemophilia be the climber??? I guess that extra dose of wild comes right along with the hemophilia gene. Or maybe he sees his older sister climbing up things and thinks he should be doing it. I think that MAY have more to do with it than anything. So now my time is spent at trying to keep Ezra from climbing everything in sight.
Other things going on around here... the kids are loving the baby in my tummy. Ezra comes running anytime he sees my belly (which happens more than I would like to admit... darn gigantic belly of mine) and Eve has to give the baby a hug and a kiss every night. I am surprised the difference 17 months makes with Eve. When I was pregnant with Ezra she just noticed the belly getting bigger and had no interest whatsoever. Now she is so excited. She loves to feel him move and sing him songs and tonight when I was cuddling with her before bed she was just rubbing my tummy and said she was rubbing his back to help him sleep. I am so happy to have those beautiful moments. Especially now that they are nice quiet moments... who knows what our house will be like 3 months from now.... I am sure our world will just be rocked... but isn't that a good thing?

1 comment:

Alice said...

And Mom's reaction to these photos was?