Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Looks like hemophilia

This is that bruised up picture I didn't share a month ago. Ez's arms are bruised up from the blood draw. The bruises on the chest are from crawling around.When we were in Seattle we showed the picture to Ezra's doctor and she said "looks like hemophilia." I only wish that is what everyone thought when they saw it instead of what are you doing to your child!?! I think we might need a letter with his diagnosis for all those people that think we are beating our child... what do you think?


Anica said...

I think he needs a shirt that says "My parent's don't beat me, I have Hemophilia". Completely kidding but at times it would be nice to not have to explain it.

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

Hi, my name is Nika (you don't know me) I have a toddler with hemophilia (severe type A). I am also a writer on the bloody good life blog. I saw this picture and I wanted to ask if the lab tech was using a rubber tourniquet? If so, you can ask them not to. There are cloth ones available and seem to be a little more gentle on our babies chubby body parts. Both my sister and I had bad experiences with rubber tourniquets. It looks like minus the briuse that he is healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing his story and spreading awareness.

Roskam Family said...

Nika, the lab tech was using a rubber tournequet. Thank you for the tip on the cloth one, next time I will be sure to ask for the cloth one.

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...
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Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

I forgot to mention, our lab techs at some point started saying they no longer had a cloth one because they said they can be more "germy" but they said we could bring in our own. I suggest you ask your hemotology nurses or hemotologist if they can get you one (ours did with no problem). Sorry, I don't want to fill your blog with "advice" just wanted to try and help.

Roskam Family said...

Any advice is welcome... I am new to this and have no idea what I am doing. Thanks so much for your advice.