Monday, September 21, 2009

Mommy's Helper

Eve has turned into my number one helper. All she does all the time is "help" me out. Sometimes, okay most times, it makes things take a whole lot longer to do things when she is helping but she really loves helping out. She will move furniture around or do pretty much anything she needs to do to help me do thing around the house.

She is so obsessed with laundry. She is has figured out how to open the dryer without any help and loves just sitting in there while I load up the washer. I love having my little shadow around... and it makes me more aware of the things that I do because she is always imitating me.


Anonymous said...

I never thought that one "nap" in the dryer would turn into so much fun. Enjoy all her antics while you can, I sure miss her making me laugh all the time.

Anonymous said...

A laundry helper will come in very handy over the years. It won't be very long before she'll be able to do it all by herself.