Friday, September 9, 2011

It's a....

BOY! So it's exciting... but scary at the same time. I was so hoping for a girl so I would worry a little less... but life is what it is. The ultrasound tech gave me a cd of pics... but my computer says it's empty... I may have to go back to get those pics for real...
So now we have to think of a boy name. Ezra is going to love having a brother!
When my little sister was born my brother wanted my mom to take her back and trade her for a boy... Eve might feel that way about this one... but at least she gets to be the only princess in our house. I don't know quite how I am going to survive two boys... but I know I will. I just really hope that this boy doesn't have hemophilia.... can't life give me a little break?

1 comment:

Anica said...

You are absolutely going to love having two boys! Eve might not be happy about it now, but when she is older she is going to love having two brothers. It might take some convincing of telling her that if there was another girl she would have to share her price with her.
No matter what this baby decides to surprise you guys with he will be absolutely precious and perfect in every way. Your life will be that much more wild and exciting!