Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So much for Spring

When we were in Ketchikan it was so nice and sunny. I had great dreams of the weather being nice up here. Maybe we would even have good enough weather to set up the trampoline over Spring break... HAHAHA. I am a dreamer.

Saturday we got snow. Lots and lots of fluffy snow. It was actually kind of nice. It was warm enough to go outside and play in it. Eve loved playing in the snow and fresh snow is way better than the hard crust that has been around for months. Now Eve goes to the sliding glass door and points begging to go outside. Unfortunately half of the time it has been cold... at least too cold for her to go outside. They say we should be getting more snow though... she will love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here in Ketchikan...we're in a confused weather pattern. The crocus are blooming...pussy willows budding out...wind is blowing and we have a spattering of snow.