Friday, May 31, 2013


Sometimes these kids are such awesome siblings. The other night Eve decided that Ezra could "huggle" with her at bedtime. She sang him songs and snuggled him until he was fast asleep. It was absolutely adorable!!
Evan and Ezra are being the typical brothers lately. It cracks me up. The picture where Evan has something pink is the tote for Eve's beads... a no no for the boys. They got their paws on that real quick and spread it all over the floor. I laughed because it was such a classic sibling moment.
We are feeling a little frustrated over our communication with our health care providers lately. We thought Ezra's bleed was done and then Monday morning a stiff legged pirate hobbled out of bed... 
So this meant we needed a new plan for Ezra. After a few days trying to get a hold of the right people who were on vacation Ian got a call from our hemo nurse. There was a lot of confusion and miscommunication which frustrates me. In the end we now know that for some reason Ezra's dose of factor doesn't push his levels as high as it should. Luckily they haven't discovered an inhibitor so it is just one of those things. So we are increasing his dose and going back to prophy every other day.
On the funny side of our lovely world we got a delivery of factor and supplies today. While I was cooking dinner Ezra ripped into the boxes are starting wasting saline syringes like crazy. By the time I figured out why Eve was screaming about Ezra getting her wet he had burned through 10 syringes of saline.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my, that boy better become a doctor. Guess it's good he's not scared of needles.