Sunday, January 13, 2013

Double Prophy day...

My least favorite day of the week is the one day a week when we have to infuse both boys. Ezra's prophy schedule is every other day... Evan's is twice a week. So depending on the week their prophy schedules align on a Tuesday or a Friday. For some reason in my mind it just seemed like that would be easy; line them up and get it done. I think maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we could do it at our own pace... but there is a rush to at least get Evan infused before Ian goes out the door to work... and usually we try to get set up for both boys while we are at it. Try is the important word... looking at my records Evan usually happens at 8... so Ian is late for work and Ezra has to wait until after Eve goes to school and Evan goes down for a nap. That just makes me feel like I spend half of the day dealing with prophy.... but that is way better than spending half the day in the emergency room... or even the doctor's office.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

double duty