Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yo baby! How you doin?

So Eve was eating dinner at this high end restaurant rockin the sweet shades when her closest friend, Elmo, walked in. Eve shouts, "Yo baby!" with her finger pointed so there was no doubt who she was talkin to. When Elmo acknowledged Eve she gave him the Jack Nicholson "What's up".

Ok, I have no idea what the Jack Nicholson "What's up" is but she kinda looked like him with the sunglasses and crazy hair. I had to be super sneaky to get these pictures of Eve. I swear she has a seventh sense about the camera (her sixth is knowing where to hide things from mommy and daddy so they will never be found again...her toothbrush has been lost for days). All I have to do is take the camera out and she will stop doing the super cool thing that I want to take a picture of. To get these I had to use the bad guy escape method number 3 that they show in movies. You know the one. The one where they use mom as a human shield and dive to cover while laying down some suppressive fire. Its a difficult maneuver to pull off but I've nearly mastered it these days. The results are worth the bumps and bruises that come from dive miscalculations.

This was Ian and this was my first post. I hope you had fun, I know I did! ;)

Disclaimer: There were probably no animals harmed while making this post... but if you see my cat typing again get a picture, I need proof.


Da Baums said...

Awesome post Ian! haha You had me laughing for sure!! Keep it up! I love the pictures of her she totally looks like Jack!

Anonymous said...

Ian, good job. You have a nack for writing a great story.