Friday, March 20, 2009

Naked Babies

Eve now has this thing about all of her babies being naked. I think the only thing they are allowed to wear are socks. She also loves taking babies for stroller rides. Good thing they aren't real babies. Can you imagine the poor baby with the head crammed into the crack? I think it's hilarious to watch. She is so sweet with her babies.

She is also loving her stroller. We have it in the living room right now because one of the first things she did this morning was go back to where her stroller is stored to rescue it. Then I had to push her around the living room and kitchen in it. Which gets boring fast. Maybe this is Eve's way of telling me that she has spring fever too. That is the worst part about living in Alaska. You get to that time of year and are so ready to be out an about but it snows, or temperatures are still freezing cold, the wind is blowing making the wind chill temps to cold to stay outside for long... it's always something. But at least we can sit inside looking out at the beautiful sunshine and dream of summer!!


Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed how little ones take care of their 'babies.'

Da Baums said...

It is so funny how alike our girls are. Everytime I read your blog I sit here thinking, haha Hannah does the same thing. These two could cause some serious trouble together :)

Roskam Family said...

I can't wait a month to get them together! I am sure they will have a blast together.