Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've Seen the Writing on the Wall

As a little kid I can remember just how much I loved writing. I thought it was amazing. Before I could really write I would spend hours upon hours filling notebooks with scribble and telling my mom that she had to read my notes. I think this phase may have started with Eve.

First was the writing on the wall. She has those little kid paint brushes that have to be activated in order to paint. I mistakenly gave one to her because she wanted it, thinking that she couldn't activate it on her own... well I was wrong. Luckily it washes right off the wall with no effort.

Then the past few days she has been grabbing any paper or cardboard item she can and locating pens where I never knew there were pens and scribbling. I love it!! I know its a mess... but I don't care because it is so darn cute. Other than the one time on the wall it has been on paper or cardboard so I can't be mad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every mom deserves a future filled with 'love notes'.